No. 649
Crime, Eccentricity, and the Sporting Life in 19th Century America.
April 26, 2024

An Adventure with a Sea-Lion.

With open mouths and protruding tusks, they warn the intruder agents too near an approach.
March 26, 2018

The marriage of Charles and Eva Herman had been on the rocks for several years. Their loud and violent fights were so common that neighbors took little notice of their shouting row on November 1, 1885. A few days later, they found Eva lying on the floor with her throat cut from ear to ear. After a night in jail, Charles confessed to the murder. I thought his wife was unfaithful, and he killed her
Murder By Gaslight - 4/20/2024
 "The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan MandijnOur host for this week's Link Dump is Edwin!I know nothing more about him, but he was obviously quite a charmer.What the hell is the Baltic Sea Anomaly?Where the hell is Mata Hari's head?Why you wouldn't want to encounter ancient Indian snakes.I admit, I like this guy's flair for self-promotion.The hoax that got Franklin Pierce accused of
Strange Company - 4/26/2024
Which still-standing mansion built in 1907 has a mysterious basement tunnel leading to the Hudson River? Where is one of the few Beaux-Arts row houses that has its original wood-carved doors? Why is the Drive the only avenue in Manhattan that branches off into small carriage roads? Which famous American writer came to a rock […]
Ephemeral New York - 4/25/2024
The marriage of Charles and Eva Herman had been on the rocks for several years. Their loud and violent fights were so common that neighbors took little notice of their shouting row on November 1, 1885. A few days later, they found Eva lying on the floor with her throat cut from ear to ear. After a night in jail, Charles confessed to the murder. I thought his wife was unfaithful, and he killed her
Murder By Gaslight - 4/20/2024
 "The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan MandijnOur host for this week's Link Dump is Edwin!I know nothing more about him, but he was obviously quite a charmer.What the hell is the Baltic Sea Anomaly?Where the hell is Mata Hari's head?Why you wouldn't want to encounter ancient Indian snakes.I admit, I like this guy's flair for self-promotion.The hoax that got Franklin Pierce accused of
Strange Company - 4/26/2024
Which still-standing mansion built in 1907 has a mysterious basement tunnel leading to the Hudson River? Where is one of the few Beaux-Arts row houses that has its original wood-carved doors? Why is the Drive the only avenue in Manhattan that branches off into small carriage roads? Which famous American writer came to a rock […]
Ephemeral New York - 4/25/2024
The marriage of Charles and Eva Herman had been on the rocks for several years. Their loud and violent fights were so common that neighbors took little notice of their shouting row on November 1, 1885. A few days later, they found Eva lying on the floor with her throat cut from ear to ear. After a night in jail, Charles confessed to the murder. I thought his wife was unfaithful, and he killed her
Murder By Gaslight - 4/20/2024
 "The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan MandijnOur host for this week's Link Dump is Edwin!I know nothing more about him, but he was obviously quite a charmer.What the hell is the Baltic Sea Anomaly?Where the hell is Mata Hari's head?Why you wouldn't want to encounter ancient Indian snakes.I admit, I like this guy's flair for self-promotion.The hoax that got Franklin Pierce accused of
Strange Company - 4/26/2024
Which still-standing mansion built in 1907 has a mysterious basement tunnel leading to the Hudson River? Where is one of the few Beaux-Arts row houses that has its original wood-carved doors? Why is the Drive the only avenue in Manhattan that branches off into small carriage roads? Which famous American writer came to a rock […]
Ephemeral New York - 4/25/2024
Another Voice for Cleveland | Anti-Everything.

An Adventure with a Sea-Lion.

Adventure with a Sea-Lion On the rocky islands off the coast of California, thousands of sea-lions may often be seen reposing in easy indifference, and forming an immense menagerie. At the approach of a stranger they generally take to the water, unless they are watching over their young, when with open mouths and protruding tusks, they warn the intruder agents too near an approach.

A recent visitor to the haunts of these animals thus relates his experience: “My companion and myself had spend some time watching the young seals at play with each other, and listening to the low moaning of the older ones, that sounded very like the braying of a mule. Occasionally, as we threw a stone among them, the majority hastened off to the water and disappeared beneath the surface. Desirous of bringing away a trophy, my friend caught a young calf, and was carrying it off in triumph, when an old warrior, evidently patriarch of the tribe, suddenly advanced upon him, seized the skirt of his coat, and with one angry shake and a loud and fearful roar, tore it from his body. This part of the programme had not been anticipated and we gladly relinquished our booty and made good our escape, not deeming a reputation of the experience in the least desirable.”

Reprinted from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, May 26, 1866.