No. 696
Crime, Eccentricity, and the Sporting Life in 19th Century America.
March 27, 2025

A Pair of Colorado Dianas.

The Sensation They Made in Leadville Streets.
November 4, 2024

Tag: 1870s

Pick-pockets "Working the Crowd.''

Getting into the Cars at 4th Avenue and 27th Street, New York.


A Pair of Colorado Dianas.

The Sensation They Made in Leadville Streets.


Bucking the Tiger

In a Cheyenne gambling Saloon.


The Scandal Which Agitates St. Louis.

Astounding Revelations of a Low Cunning and Vile Curiosity in One of the Proprietors of the Grand Opera House.


A Pullman Parlor Car.

Interior of a Pulman Parlor Car on the Pennsylvania Railroad.


Knocked Dead by a Meteor.

A Remarkable Casualty which Overtook a Hoosier While Asleep in His Bed.


Wrestling Match on a Canadian Steamer.

On the St. Lawrence River.


Rival Monarchs.


Expensive Blowing in Congress.

Uncle Sam: Come, ye gas-bags, both blue and gray, - Start yourselves on you homeward way.


Female Wrestling Match in Nevada.

Two female athletes at Virginia city Nevada, indulge in a wrestling match for the championship.


Interior of a Pullman Parlour Car.

The Smoking Saloon.


A Female Gambling House in Boston.

They call it the "retreat" because of its charming privacy and apparent obscurity.


Pandemonium in a Tumult.

Raid on the Broadway concert saloons, New York.


Her Striped Stockings.

Bound to be in style - The expedient of a carriage painter's daughter at Vallejo, Cal., to obtain striped stockings.


Forex news live

Two female athletes at Virginia City, Nevada, indulge in a wrestling match for the championship.


Disguised as the Devil.

A Man in a Black Mask, Disguised as the Devil.


A Man's Head Blown to Atoms.

A man's head blown to atoms by the explosion of a beer barrel on Long Island.


A Charming Female Vaccinator.

Young gentlemen of Boston submitting their arms to a charming female vaccinator.


Desperate Duel.

Desperate Duel between Ladies of Rank, at Santa Cruz.


The Summer Exodus.

Commencement of the Heated Term—Swells and Belles at the Mountains and on the Sea Shore.


The Deathly Opium-Drug.

The Demon Work of the Chinese Poppy Poison.


Vaccination from a Beauty.

Idiotic freak of some young men at Los Angeles.


Homeward Bound.

Vacationers leaving Lake George, New York, 1879.


Up the Hudson.


The Cure for Broken Hearts.


Why She Pummeled Him.

A Cincinnati woman gets up a lively street sensation by vigorously thrashing a man on the sidewalk, and explains to the crowd that he was her runaway husband, whom she had industriously sought for that sole purpose.


Take a Chance?

Many a one, who otherwise would not contribute a dime, will take a chance in a lottery.


Mother Mandelbaum's Secrets.


The Pawn-Ticket Game.

Pawn tickets make bad collateral.


Vive Le Sport!


The Grand Saloon.

Of The Palace Steamer Drew.



Anthony Comstock was on a personal mission to protect America from vice.


Allan Pinkerton.

The Eye that Never Sleeps.


New York Society Classified.


Belles of the Bowling Alley.

The athletic diversions of an association of dashing damsels in their club rooms in Chicago. 


The Cardiff Giant

Cardiff, New York, October 16, 1869.


Bank Heist

The Audacity of a Professional Thief.

Via Newspapers.comUnfortunately, the following is all I could find about what was potentially an intriguing poltergeist case, but I thought it was still worth sharing.  The “New York Daily News,” April 21, 1962:St. Brieuc, France, April 20-Police and church officials today were investigating reports of a "ghost" in two Brittany villages who is said to have "attacked" people's clothing. 
Strange Company - 3/26/2025
Included in yesterday’s trip to Fall River was a stop at Miss Lizzie’s Coffee shop and a visit to the cellar to see the scene of the tragic demise of the second Mrs. Lawdwick Borden and two of the three little children in 1848. I have been writing about this sad tale since 2010 and had made a previous trip to the cellar some years ago but was unable to get to the spot where the incident occured to get a clear photograph.  The tale of Eliza Borden is a very sad, but not uncommon story of post partum depression with a heartrending end. You feel this as you stand in the dark space behind the chimney where Eliza ended her life with a straight razor after dropping 6 month old Holder and his 3 year old sister Eliza Ann into the cellar cistern. Over the years I have found other similar cases, often involving wells and cisterns, and drownings of children followed by suicides of the mothers. These photos show the chimney, cistern pipe, back wall, dirt and brick floor, original floorboards forming the cellar ceiling and what appears to be an original door. To be in the place where this happened is a sobering experience. My thanks to Joe Pereira for allowing us to see and record the place where this sad occurrence unfolded in 1848. R.I.P. Holder, Eliza and Eliza Ann Borden. Visit our Articles section above for more on this story. The coffee shop has won its suit to retain its name and has plans to expand into the shop next door and extend its menu in the near future.
Lizzie Borden: Warps and Wefts - 2/12/2024
The 20th century skyline of Manhattan—dominated by gleaming, crisply defined skyscrapers like the Empire State Building and Chrysler Building—was a frequent subject for photographers of the 1930s and 1940s. “New York Skyline Evening Haze,” 1936 But few have the depth and texture of these muted, murky skyline images by Paul J. Woolf: one of the […]
Ephemeral New York - 3/24/2025
Youth With Executioner by Nuremberg native Albrecht Dürer … although it’s dated to 1493, which was during a period of several years when Dürer worked abroad. November 13 [1617]. Burnt alive here a miller of Manberna, who however was lately … Continue reading
Executed Today - 11/13/2020
Two days after her disappearance, search parties formed to look for any trace of Emma between Hill’s Grove and Pontiac. They focused on the river and ponds in the area, fearing that she may have fallen in and drowned. On November 14, when the search was all but abandoned, a group of searchers discovered Emma’s body in the bushes on a knoll, near the road. The coroner and the medical
Murder By Gaslight - 3/22/2025
Soapy Smith STAR NotebookPage 18 - Original copy1884Courtesy of Geri Murphy(Click image to enlarge) oapy Smith in Denver.Operating the prize package soap sell racket in 1884.This is page 18, the continuation of page 17, and dated March 28 - April 12, 1884, the continuation of deciphering Soapy Smith's "star" notebook from the Geri Murphy's collection. A complete introduction to this notebook
Soapy Smith's Soap Box - 3/11/2025
  [Editor’s note: Guest writer, Peter Dickson, lives in West Sussex, England and has been working with microfilm copies of The Duncan Campbell Papers from the State Library of NSW, Sydney, Australia. The following are some of his analyses of what he has discovered from reading these papers. Dickson has contributed many transcriptions to the Jamaica […]
Early American Crime - 2/7/2019
Circumstances Alter Cases. | Pedal Advertising.

A Pair of Colorado Dianas.

Colorado Dianas At Leadville, Colorado, a few days ago, when the sun was doing its best to provoke the mercury beyond its never-varying maximum expression of heat—65—two handsome young girls rode in from the plains with game-bags, over their shoulders and rifles across the pommels of their saddles. They circled through the town two or three times, awaking the latent manhood In every ennui-stricken breast. They flirted violently as they rode about and managed to get half a dozen of the laziest young tourists In the place to ambling and dodging after them. Suddenly they began to discharge their rifles to right and left in a reprehensively reckless and Improper fashion. Their lovers scattered rapidly, and after pirouetting with their ponies for a short time succeeding the rifle discharges, the fair creatures gallopped off out of sight These two girls are the daughters of a gentleman who camps with his family in Middle Park every year They are highly accomplished and well educated and behaved young women during three-fourths of the year, and seen in the streets of Denver would attract attention by their lady-like deportment.

Illustrated Police News, August 16, 1879.