Fair college students engage in a rough-and-tumble chase after the pigskin.
Men used to flock to the beach, now they seek sections were roads are good.
Mr. Albiero of Custer City, Dakota, is treated by three rollicking belles to a change from the usual monotony of a cowboy spree.
Mount Holyoke College, 1898-1899.
Two female athletes at Virginia city Nevada, indulge in a wrestling match for the championship.
The Earliest Bath of the Year, at Atlantic City
They call it the "retreat" because of its charming privacy and apparent obscurity.
She Bucks the Tiger and Quits $200 Ahead.
Five footlight fairies, whose faces and forms charm audiences in London, Paris and New York.
Two female athletes at Virginia City, Nevada, indulge in a wrestling match for the championship.
How a plucky New Brunswick, N. J., girl won a wager from one of her doubting companions.
A few possibilities of the day when all masculine employments are open to women.
Two Lebanon, Pa., girls live the same young man and biff each other on the street.
A gang of female rogues, of the East Side, New York, work a little racket of their own.
Miss Mamie Gannon, of Jersey City, attacks reporter Lenhart with a horsewhip for traducing her character in his newspaper.
A scene from feal life in a sixth avenue smoking car—giddy girls who believe in taking a “whiff of the weed” in public as well as in priv
A Widow and Her Pretty Daughter Caught Thieving in Men’s Attire in Tecumseh, Mich.
There is a strong minded woman “way deown in Maine,” who has been protesting for years against her sex being debarred the right of suffrage.
Sent up Eight Years for Smoking Cigars in Public.
Water witches who frolic with Neptune, no matter how cold his embrace.
Beauty Conquers avarice and outlawry "We won't rob this house to-night."
What a Correspondent Asserts Regarding a Boston Girl.