Westfield, Ohio, October 23, 1887 - The Sudden Insanity of Rev J. R. Young. He uses profane language in a Sunday school at Westfield, Ohio.
A special from Marshall, Ill., October 24 says: Westfield, this county, was treated to a big sensation yesterday. J. R. Young recently appointed Methodist minister, arrived thre lastweek and while superintending the Sunday school yesterday morning suddenly began to use profane and abusive language and seemed about to demolish the entire gathering. He was promptly secured, as it was seen that he had become a raving maniac. He was at once brought to this city and continued in jail. He sang religious songs during the entire trip, and since his incarceration has made the jail resound with gospel hymns, singing constantly. He is a quite talented young minister, but has been subject to such spells recently. Indeed, he was at one time an inmate of an insane asylum. The cause of his sudden attack was religious excitement.
Reprinted from The National Police Gazette, November 12, 1887